Teacup Girl Art
About The Artist
Hi! Welcome to the Teacup Girl Art shop! My name is Bonita, and am I a vintage-wearing, tea obsessed artist who has been busy drawing and creating ever since I can remember. I have been a part of a online community of vintage fashion bloggers for over five years, and in that time I have made a lot of friends and been inspired by their unique, one of a kind styles. To that end, I decided to illustrate my awesome friends to celebrate our world wide passion for vintage! To make my art works easily accessible to everyone I decided to open up an online shop, so here we are. If you wish to make inquiries about my art, or have any questions, you can contact me at bonita(at)teacupgirlart(dot)com Find me: Teacup Girl Art | Instagram | https://instagram.com/teacupgirlart/ Bjvear | Twitter | https://twitter.com/bjvear Teacup Girl Art | Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/teacupgirlart My portfolio: BJVearStudio.com | http://www.bjvear.com