
Native Plant Society NJ

Native Plant Society NJ

About The Artist

The Native Plant Society of New Jersey is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation, protection, and study of the native flora of New Jersey. Founded in 1985, we have hundreds of members across the state, and are organized into county and regional chapters. Our members include gardeners, horticulturists, naturalists, landscape designers, students, and native plant enthusiasts from all walks of life. Our NPSNJ is happy to present to you its line of unique botanical merchandise. Everything we do at the NPSNJ is handled by non-paid volunteers. Thus the profits from this store will 100% be applied to our goal to promote the appreciation, protection, and study of NJ native plants. So support your Society and allow these beautiful plants to grace your walls, add a unique charm to your gift giving, and cheerfully brighten your everyday life.