
Niraj Shah

Niraj Shah

About The Artist

Ever since I was a child, I’ve felt isolated and dis-connected from everyone. Family and friends were around but I still felt like there was something more missing, that there’s more to this life that I’m not seeing or getting. In middle school, I started writing poetry, and I can’t even tell you how or why poetry, it’s not like I read any prior to me starting to write. It wasn’t until college that I realized this was is an outlet for myself, of myself. When I write about loneliness, isolation, heart-break, or questioning life, it doesn’t ameliorate anything, but somehow I get a sense of fulfillment if I end up liking my own poem. And I really get a sense of fulfillment when someone says they can relate to a poem. I’m hoping my poetry can resonate with you, and you can make it a part of your home.