Cecelia Taylor-Hunt

The Artist's own Statement:

The purpose of all the artwork I’ve done since high school is to release everything that is out of me. Art is a way to escape from harsh realities that I’m living as a person in her 20’s in New York City. My preference of art mediums are: watercolor, pencil, pen, pastel, charcoal, film photography, and sometimes digital (i.e. Photoshop, Arcsoft, Paint). My art from over the years tells their own stories about me and how I got into art in the first place. When I started drawing in junior high school, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It took me 11 years later to figure it out. I'm approaching things that matter to me and my talent to intertwine into one big picture. The most difficult task for me is to put everything about me out to the public, but I believe that I can do it with self-confidence and it’s worth the risk.

The Music Box's Influence/Inspiration:

There’s a lot of influence and inspirations I used since I started to master my techniques as a versatile artist while taking art classes. Over the years, I’ve visited art museums and history museums in New York City such as MoMA (Museum Of Modern Art), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Smithsonian’s The Museum of the American Indian. I’ve also studied the Modern Art Movements and the Contemporary Art movements because these things capture my interests. While reading about them, I often wonder how artists who were living in those eras are able to break away the traditional standards of the Italian Renaissance, Realism, and and Classical paintings (i.e. New Classicism) by using abstract paintings/drawings and sculptures to express their anger and other varieties of emotions.

As for me, I like to use Expressionism, Contemporary, and Post-Contemporary art with my pieces. The reason for this is simple: if I’m sticking to the traditional standard of making paintings looks dangerously real without branching of two or more different directions or not combining with other non-traditional art forms, then I just might not make artwork as my passion anymore. The main goal for me is to explore anything I can get my hands on and use them to my advantage.

The biggest inspiration and influence of drawing and using watercolor with expressionist and impressionist techniques is music that I grew up listening to: the 1980s and the 1990s. Different genres from these decades like pop, rock, R&B, hip-hop, and Grunge have made innovations in the ‘80s and ‘90s decades. But, they have also made innovations by entering into the ear of the artist, giving them the chance to travel through and made them worth listening and helps me to try and focus on my artwork. It's music like this that gives me comfort throughout the day.

http://cthmusicbox.2fortune.com http://about.me/evereadysteady

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