
Writer by use, habit and addiction, she starts making collage artwork, six years after John Lennon’s death, in her hometown school in Villa del Parque, Bs. As., with squared bright or dull color papers and Plasticola. Her techniques improved over the years, most of the time thanks to materials taken off classmates’ guard, from under their desks, carefully cutting sheets collecting ads and poses for her creations. Her first big work was made in MdQ, Bs.As., making a 10m2 wallpaper that took 5 years to accomplish. When she moved to Spain this hobby would be on stand by in her life, since she was hardly working as an inmigrant trying to be “somebody”. Settled in Menorca finds peace, inspiration and maturity to fully develop that lost teenager art, reducing the canvas to 60x50cm and exclusively using in all her creations, magazines, newspapers and personal photographs.

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