Scott Aichner

A world traveled photographer with Surfer Magazine 10 years. 80 covers world wide. Two "Photo of the year" awards from Surfer Magazine. Clients include: Reef, Hurley, Oakley, Aframe media, Quiksliver, Billabong, Ripcurl, Volcom, O'Neil, Surfer magazine, Surfing magazine, Fluir magazine (br), Surf 1st magazine (jp), Surfing World magazine (jp), Surf Europe magazine (eu), Stab magazine (au), Tracks (au), Waves (au), Australia's Surfing Life (au), Oprah's master class, Radical Media, Sandy Beach Productions, Beyond 2000 TV (au).

Invented the 270 camera that employed 2 fish eyed water housed cameras placed at 90 degrees from each other resulting in a image that covers 270 degrees.

Starting from a water housed Pentax 6x7 film hand crank camera to the latest digital bodies.

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