Introducing New Wall Tapestries to Society6!

(Featured art: 'WTFALYPSE LOL!' Wall Tapestry (Medium) by John Tibbott.)

It's been a minute since we released a new product, but that doesn't mean we haven't been hustling to design the best possible options for you and your fans.

We're excited to be introducing Wall Tapestries as the freshest opportunity to blast your art into homes around the world!

Coming in under one-pound, the new Wall Tapestries are made of 100% lightweight polyester with hand-sewn finished edges and available in three different sizes. Expect fans to scoop these up just in time for a wild festival season. Or for the indoor types, tapestries serve as a versatile addition to make any space pop - walls, couches, beds, chairs, capes, endless possibilities.

Check out all the available Wall Tapestries here.

Or see what our team is digging in this Tapestry Collection we had entirely too much fun making.

If you're already selling Duvet Covers and Shower Curtains, Wall Tapestries have automatically been added to your Shop, and they can be adjusted independently through their own file.

Additionally, you may also designate the horizontal or vertical position of the tapestries preview based on the dimensions of the file you upload. Simply select a maximum quality JPG (RGB Color) that is exactly 6500px (width) X 5525px (height) for horizontal tapestries, or at least 5525px (width) X 6500px (height) for vertical tapestries. By default, we assume the optimal placement based on your manually configured Rug designs, or horizontal placement if you do not have Rugs enabled.

We encourage you to please take a moment to review your new Wall Tapestries. If you need to EDIT these for any reason, just click "ADD T-SHIRTS & MORE" at the top of any post, to update any files you'd like to adjust.

Feel free to ask questions or leave comments below, otherwise enjoy the new tapestries and thanks for your continued support!

Introducing New Wall Tapestries to Society6!

'Mountaineer' Wall Tapestry (Small) by Mila Spasova.

Introducing New Wall Tapestries to Society6!

The lightweight polyester fabric allows us to retain the hyper rich color of your original work.

Introducing New Wall Tapestries to Society6!

Super pliable fabric with durable hand-sewn edges.





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