Seller Tips: Artist Promotion Materials - Edition 1

We see a ton of creativity and thoughtfulness go into artist promotional materials - especially during our Artist Promotion events.

Since we've got a killer promo going on right now (ends April 13) that allows you to provide your followers Free Shipping & $5 Off Every Item in your Shop we thought to share some of those samples as a source of inspiration.

Some things to consider:
- Give your followers an action to do - "Clickity Click This!" "Buy Some Art, Foo!"
- Make sure your text and font is easy to read and prominently displayed
- Don't be afraid to post it to social more than once throughout the week
- Don't forget to include your link!

When you're ready to make your own you can grab your unique promo link here:

Discovered any other handy tactics for getting the word out about your products? We'd love to hear them in the comments below.

Want us to see your strategy in action? Tag #s6promo wherever you post for potential inclusion in future roundups.
Seller Tips: Artist Promotion Materials - Edition 1 by Rory Wood

FalcaoLucas features a super clean design with easy to read font in his materials.

Anna Dorfman elegantly showcases her actual products available in her K IS FOR BLACK Shop with all the necessary information for a potential customer.  by Rory Wood

Anna Dorfman elegantly showcases her actual products available in her K IS FOR BLACK Shop with all the necessary information for a potential customer.

Nick Nelson integrates his promo context directly into an available design. This is a great example of creativity combined with eye catching colors for attracting the most attention in a feed. by Rory Wood

Nick Nelson integrates his promo context directly into an available design. This is a great example of creativity combined with eye catching colors for attracting the most attention in a feed.

Another great example of leveraging an available product design, Andrew Henry chooses a more simplified design which serves to focus more on the context, than the design itself. by Rory Wood

Another great example of leveraging an available product design, Andrew Henry chooses a more simplified design which serves to focus more on the context, than the design itself.

Jacques Maes keeps it simple. Promo. Patterns. Sheep. by Rory Wood

Jacques Maes keeps it simple. Promo. Patterns. Sheep.

Here is another cool example of the promo integrated directly into the design from Jay Fleck. by Rory Wood

Here is another cool example of the promo integrated directly into the design from Jay Fleck.

Toni Infante takes the opportunity to feature multiple designs in one image with prominent and distinct font-types to make sure his promo context isn't lost in the designs. by Rory Wood

Toni Infante takes the opportunity to feature multiple designs in one image with prominent and distinct font-types to make sure his promo context isn't lost in the designs.

Alright. This one has nothing to do with how to promote your Artist Promo link, but Rudy Faber demonstrates a great way to leverage the promo directly. Since the Free Shipping & $5 Off applies to the base price of your products, it's a perfect opportunity by Rory Wood

Alright. This one has nothing to do with how to promote your Artist Promo link, but Rudy Faber demonstrates a great way to leverage the promo directly. Since the Free Shipping & $5 Off applies to the base price of your products, it's a perfect opportunity

Seller Tip




Aloha commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 12:08pm
I was wondering if there is a way to give away a giftcard for people to win a product but only from your gallery ?
Thanks for the great tips btw! These are great examples!
Fumijj_Gah commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 12:28pm
Very nice, thanks.
Rory Wood commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 12:30pm
@Artipi - that's not a feature we currently offer but cool suggestion. I'll kick it up to our development team for consideration!
Alexandra Davidoff commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 12:57pm
Very cool feature. This inspires me very much!
Nick Nelson commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 1:14pm
Nice spread indeed! And thanks for the shout out! :)
Aloha commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 1:47pm
Thanks for considering my suggestion, Rory ! I think it would be a great feature to have.
Robson Borges commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 2:09pm
Anna Dorfman commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 2:34pm
Oh hey, thanks for including my promo graphic! Here's my code (more self-promotion, haha):

Personally I'd LOVE to be able to have promo CODES rather than needing the promo links in order for people to get the discounts, especially since Instagram links aren't clickable. Codes are so much easier to share—you can put them in the graphic, tell people verbally, etc.
Reg Lapid commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 4:16pm
Great article and Great examples!

For instagram.. add the promo link to your profile and when you upload your image for Free Shipping tell people to click on the link in your profile.
ca2eypirat commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 4:20pm
Thanks for the tips~gonna make some for my instagram
Peta Herbert commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 4:43pm
A few people wishing to buy off of me have also recommended the use of codes rather than links (these people are a little older and might not be as tech-savvy as a lot of the Society6 artists).
I agree with Anna, that the codes would be easier to quote to people/easier to remember/more effective when put on your promo picture.

Anyway, enjoy a great deal while it's here - FREE SHIPPING + $5 OFF!
Viviana Gonzalez commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 5:27pm
very nice thank you Rory! :)
T.Grimm commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 5:40pm
Great article and Great examples!!!!!!
Republican commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:53pm
Great tips for everyone. Thanks
LGD. commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:59pm
Thanks For the Great tips!
Victoria Herrera commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:28pm
Thanks for tips, great for everyone!!!
Josh Franke commented on Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:58pm
great advice, diggin' the examples. thanks!
Mason Denaro commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 12:44am
Great tips, love nick nelsons ++
nijikon commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 1:03am
Love the designs everyone. They'd certainly make me stop and click if I came across them browsing tumblr or similar.
I second the promo codes idea, too.
failuretalent commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 1:33am
Thank you so much for the tips :)
Really helps me a lot coz I just started my shop this week.
Tinly commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 1:48am
Thank you for the tips!
Okti commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 2:59am
Great!! This inspired me to work a bit more on my promo image, thanks!
Adel commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 3:17am
Inspiring! Thanks!
FalcaoLucas commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 3:45am
Thanks for including our promo image!
Wendy Stephens commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 4:18am
Think I will give some of these tips a go...
John Medbury (LAZY J) commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 4:32am
I find adding the promotion the same way as a print works - stays visible for the length of the promo in your store to anyone who may visit.
Cally Creates commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 8:14am
I like to use it as a chance to group things that work well together but are not usually seen side by side on my page:

I agree, it would much easier to make and use promo posts if we had codes rather than links.
Nikola Nupra commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 10:51am
Hey Rory thanks for the tips. It would also be great if Society6 could update the shipping list and add some missing countries like Venezuela. It's been really tough for me (or any other Venezuela resident) not being able to enjoy these sort of artist promotions due to shipping limitations. Please, have a thought about it. Thank you.
Lovedart commented on Friday, April 11, 2014 3:30pm
I love how everyone gets to show off their graphic design chops with this stuff, no matter what their usual art style is -- the talent blows my mind!
Also @Cally Creates: what a great thought!
Marco Scognamiglio commented on Saturday, April 12, 2014 8:08am
Hi Rory, Very Useful tip! Thank You! Here it is my promo graphic, thanks for including it, in your next review, if you like :-) .It's on my facebook artist page
RokinRonda commented on Saturday, April 12, 2014 11:19am
Will make one for my shop, soon...thanks for the tip! ....
Mary K commented on Saturday, April 12, 2014 3:59pm
Great ideas, thanks.
Lottle commented on Saturday, April 12, 2014 10:58pm
I like these tips a Lottle. Great info Thanks
Abby Heller Burnham commented on Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:53am
Perfect examples, thank you!
Maryam Pezeshki commented on Sunday, April 13, 2014 1:48pm
Good ideas!
DesignPassion commented on Sunday, April 13, 2014 5:25pm
useful ideas, thanks!
DesignPassion commented on Sunday, April 13, 2014 5:27pm
i forgot to say @Cally Creates: yes that is a great idea, promo codes instead of links.
Sterling commented on Monday, April 14, 2014 4:58pm
Juliana Rojas | Puchu commented on Thursday, April 17, 2014 2:03pm
Very helpful guys! Thanks!
Pete Feds Photography commented on Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:50pm
New here and I don't get it at all. Can I offer folks a discount or not?
Rory Wood commented on Monday, April 21, 2014 11:59am
@Pete - Hey Pete, this promotion was available for a limited time. I've updated the post to illustrate the deadline and sorry for the confusion.

Keep an eye out here and via email for future artist promotions though as we make these available from time to time. Let me know if you've got any other questions!
X V I I I commented on Saturday, April 26, 2014 8:12am
Great tips gotta remember to use these in the future!
CircleSquareDiamond commented on Monday, April 28, 2014 9:26am
@Rory, I appreciate the tip and the examples. I've begun to notices a MASSIVE decline in sales recently. I suspect though that this isn't because of promotions but because of how you guys have changed the discover and search functionalities. A few people have been complaining on your facebook page about it and yet there doesn't seem to be an official response from Society6. So far all we've heard is "look for information soon."

Society6 recently completely REMOVED the "new tab" from the "My Society" page. No one can find new artists now. If you go to "discover" its filled with artists that aren't new, but were previously over promoted by Society6 already. No offense to them, their artwork is great, but at the same time, Society6's new changes drastically hurts new artists. Personally, I have seen a $100-$200 drop in sales over the last month. I spoke with several others who use Society6, and many of them have also seen MASSIVE drops in sales.

Think about it, if you're a new artist and you post your first 5-10 pieces, where are people going to see your work? Under the discover tab? Not at all. The new algorithm only displays pieces with +100 promotes.

Can we please get SOMETHING about this? I have a sneaking suspicion that this new change will result in a massive drop of new artists and old artists leaving. I personally am planning on switching to a new system unless there's a change.

P.S. I haven't changed a single thing in my advertisement scheme. The only thing that has changed is how people find new artists and new art work.
Scarlet Crane commented on Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:36pm
Thanks for the tips. Though I have to second CircleSquareDiamond's response. I joined just a few weeks ago and, though I am still adding work, I have yet to see much in the "discover" section. Society6 has been recommended by many for being a great tools for exposure and sales, but I have yet to see it. I promote my work like crazy as well as comment on and follow others, so any tips for those of us who joined post this unfortunate change would be great.
Zita. Pt commented on Monday, June 2, 2014 2:58am
@Scarlet and @CircleSquareDiamond we're in the same wavelength! Unfortunately I didn't notice decline in my sales because I joined very recently and my sales have barely begun...
but I can´t help being a bit disappointed by the search tools of S6...As I am not an artist known to the world I was counting on the exposure part of the "promise" by joining the S6 comunity.
More than searching for number of selling - that, I think, it is fair that we have to make a promotion effort of our own shop - I search for number of likes. And in that matter I conclude that it is as difficult for anyone to find me as it is for me to find new or less popular members...
Zephyr commented on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 6:43am
I agree with CircleSquareDiamond
I also am dealing with a loss of sales, new followers, and promotions...which I know is due to the inability to discover new artists like you once could. Pleeeeeaae fix this!!
Stewart S commented on Friday, June 13, 2014 6:13am
I too agree with CircleSquareDiamond. I am totally new, and my items are buried in what is a very deep pool of very good work. I am new, and I am putting in the hours to make content and go through the process of sizing and formatting, and my fear is that the established guys and girls have an insurmountable advantage of being in front. Any ways you can help promote new ppl would be appreciated. If new people dont see results we will not stay, but I guess if you have enough talented old timers that may not be a problem for S6?
TrishaWF commented on Thursday, June 19, 2014 7:50pm
I have been searching really hard for new artists (like myself) to promote, and found that when you sort items by "new" they are still by really popular established members. So I agree with all those comments up there - we need a way to find new *members*, not necessarily just newly added products (which can't be that new if I checked them yesterday and they are still the first in the "new" list today, if there really are thousands of new products added each day).
feigenherz BAM commented on Friday, June 20, 2014 3:10pm
I agree with the commentators before me – I am also totally new and I'm making the same experience – I am a little bit frustrated. Posting, searching, promoting, following others – asking myself if I will sell anything or if I am beeing noticed at all. @TrishaWF – good idea * find new members*.
Strawberringo commented on Sunday, August 24, 2014 2:38am
I'm a newbie here I don't know where to get promo code, I tried to access the link: but it says "The page you're looking for could not be found" Can somebody tell me why? Thank you so much!
Vermont Greetings commented on Thursday, October 9, 2014 7:33am
I totally support the above artists comments. There really does need to be a "new" spot. I have hundreds of products that I have worked hard to create, yet in over a year I have only had 7 sales. I am doing all the networking and promoting, but nothing changes. PLEASE FIGURE THIS OUT so I can justify my continued participation here! Thanks.
Ned Horn commented on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 1:39pm
It really does seem like a chicken-and-egg problem. In order for anyone to discover you (unless they are a dedicated "random" searcher), you need 100 followers, but if no one can discover you how do you get 100 followers? It really does seem to lock new artists out.

I'm an art photographer who gets solo shows in established galleries. It took a big leap of faith on my part to plunge into the world of mass sales, let alone use my real name in the process. But if I don't get more exposure I'm just undercutting my gallery work for no purpose and will have to drop out.
Debbie April 9 commented on Saturday, November 1, 2014 11:20pm
The 'new' discovery page was paramount in gaining new artist promotions and followers. I can't speak for everyone, but promoting my work via facebook etc really only targets people who know me and while they will look at your page, they are not likely to become 'followers' which appears to be the pathway to being featured in your online store. Some sort of consideration to this would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure the 10 people who commented before me aren't the only ones feeling a bit defeated.
Richard Swika commented on Saturday, January 3, 2015 6:00pm
Very interesting. There is much to learn. I'm not expecting a heard of elephants, but it sure would be nice.
Artsy Rosebud commented on Monday, January 5, 2015 1:11pm
What do I do with the first link, the one that says "paste the link..." ? I don't quite understand the instructions...
DesignChan commented on Friday, February 6, 2015 11:00pm
Simply amazing work as always!
Hey guys! this my new work, hoped you'ld like it! :D, It called
Carolina Jaramillo commented on Saturday, March 14, 2015 4:11pm
Thanks for the tips ... I'm new at Society6 and I'm trying to show my work, because I have not got any sale yet, but I trust my designs.
aPersonalidea commented on Saturday, April 4, 2015 7:00pm
Hi guys! If you found your Society6's design being hidden,
Check out my 1st Youtube video which is tailor-made for Society6's artists who think their design is being hidden!
Also, it's offering you a chance to free promote your Society6's design on our web!
TheRedApple commented on Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:20am
There's so great ideas.. thanks!
Journeyinggg commented on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 3:40am
Porfyra commented on Sunday, June 21, 2015 6:21am
Hello everybody! How can get a promo code so as to offer discount on my products?do I have to apply???
YelloGfx commented on Sunday, February 21, 2016 11:54pm
Jessie Eli commented on Monday, November 20, 2017 10:22am
Awesome thanks. Been thinking of doing a facebook promo giveaway for the holidays

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