Alice Ratterree

I’m Alice Ratterree, illustrator for young audiences based in Greenville, South Carolina. I began my career in music, as a classically trained singer working in operatic, concert and oratorio venues.

So what does that have to do with children’s book illustration?

In a nutshell, I love a good story. A story that moves hearts together into a common perspective. Whether that is through music, words on paper, or a stunning visual scene, it doesn’t matter. The result is the same. Through my experiences in theatre, opera and concert performance, I found that my true love is creating the entire package that brings a story to life for an audience, particularly children (which really means all of us, right?) I love directing emotion and point of view, creating the costumes, building the environment, composing rhythm in a visual composition….the possibilities are endless.

I have two vibrant children who keep me connected to my inner child. When not occupied with them, I can be found with pencil and paper, or with my tablet in front of Photoshop, and always chocolate within reach.

Please visit my website at

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Alice Ratterree's Design Portfolio

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