Andrea Hamic Art

Based in Westmoreland, TN Andrea Hamic specializes in Visionary Artwork. Her use of acrylics is truly inspiring. Her recent pieces have been created while in a semi-meditative state and are organic and thought provoking. As a child she was surrounded by literature and artwork and fortunate to have been exposed to the masters at an early age. Her early influences were Picasso, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, and later Dali. Her emergence onto the online platforms in 2020 though recent has been well received.

Please note: All art works in this portfolio are copyrighted & owned by Andrea Hamic, any reproduction, modification, publication, transmission, transfer or any & all forms of exploitation of any of the content for personal, or commercial use, whether in whole or in part, without written permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved 2020-2090

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