
Brittney Danielle’s Adventurous Childhood

At 7 years old, little Brittney wrote a short story in a small, pea green journal. This who-done-it of a tale starred a young lady named Amy and a bad, bad man… the robber. Little Brittney was so proud of her story! She ran to her mom and handed over the pea green, cloth bound journal. Her mother, reading intently, burst into laughter. It was well known that little Brittney had not-so-great hand writing. Instead of mom reading the robber robbed Amy… oh dear… she read the rubber rubbed Amy!

At 8 year old, little Brittney was convinced she had discovered a dinosaur bones (underneath a great, big tree… suspiciously enough). Brittney had a hard time making up her mind as to what she wanted to be when she grew up. A year ago at 7, she wanted to be a mystery author; now at 8, she shuffled between archaeologist, Egyptologist, and astronomer. She didn’t realize that, soon, the urge to become an artist was going to emerge.

Brittney’s Creative Origins

Creativity has had a long run in Brittney’s lineage. It’s quite surprising she didn’t realize she’d become an artist sooner. Her mother, Beth Sorensen, is a MICA graduate who actively pursues many disciplines of art spanning from musical, visual, and sculptural media. Her father, Richard Nichols, has had a history of taking photographs of the many, many places he has been while serving the United States Marine Corps. Her grandmother, Rose Klingmeyer, enjoys painting flowers, as well as, sewing and knitting textiles. The list continues, but for sake of brevity (as the about section is no place for a novella) this will have to do.

Adult Life

During the weekday, Brittney works in the Hospitality Industry. Many evenings, she cuddles (or harasses) her cat, Gus (a.k.a. GusGus, Gusserton, Gustavo, Gustivus, or fluff butt). Sometime between the two, art happens.

On weekends, Brittney spends her time reading and watching sci-fi/fantasy as well as kayaking in the Annapolis Harbor and hiking the trails of Patapsco State Park. Once a year, she attends Brew at the Zoo in Baltimore with her close friends (she always hovers near the best stouts and the Parfections Chocolate tent… bacon bark… enough said).

Artistic Focus

She has since moved on from penning short stories, discovering ancient bones, and gazing intently into the night sky to developing quite a knack for visual arts. She received her BFA from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Her concentration was focused on photography and her minor was in print making. Her main interests include alternative photography and multimedia art. If there is a complicated process to be had, she wants to sit and tinker with it.

In the end…

Art is the process and the process is art.

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All by brittneydanielle27

Yellow Paradise Framed Art Print
Framed Art Print
Yellow Paradise Framed Art Print
by brittneydanielle27