
Lauri E. Olson Hohman has lived in Northern Minnesota along Lake Superior since 1956. That is where she finds her inspiration and joys in life. She loved art since childhood, but it wasn’t until she was almost done raising 3 children that she decided to go to college and get her BFA in Art Education. She then fell in love again with her inner child and started painting full time, while teaching part time. Her medium is acrylic paint on canvas and computer art. Lauri loves the great outdoors everything from swimming, skiing, biking, running, hiking, camping to jumping in Lake Superior in the winter time. Her art shows her playfulness, wit and adventurous spirit. She has had many art shows from Duluth to Grand Marais, but never found a reason to sell on-line or have a website. This society6 will be her first digital experience for distributing her work, which she is very excited about.

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