Tatyana Ilieva

Hello! I am Tatyana, I have been born in and living in Bulgaria. Eversince I was a kid, painting has been my favourite way of expressing myself. This inherent necessity has always led me to being involved in arts. In 2008 I have graduated as a Bachelor of arts – I have become a graduate artist – with a major Spatial Design. Apart from dealing with design through my studies, I also was involved in architecture, making building models. My love towards detail has led me to a direction different than the one the university studies suggested. At some point, through that period of my exploration, an aspiration for experimenting with various painting techniques emerged. The paintings I was drawing were clay, oil and distemper made. A bit later, a passion for aquarelle started growing in myself. I began experimenting with unusual dyes like wine and coffee. After I graduated, I continued working in the field of architecture. For a year and a half I used to be the holder of a little art space, a gallery named Gluharche (Dandelion). At this point of my life, I am grateful that I have the opportunity to devote myself to what I dearly love. I believe every single person does need to express him/herself in his/her own way because the way we live and the energy we put in our work, influence the world and universe around us. The best we can do is to devote fully to what we are doing in every single moment of our lives. That is why I am happy I can share my art with you. I hope it will be a source of just the same positive emotion, that it has been created with.

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