I have been an artist of one sort or another for most of my life. There was a time when I primarily wrote poetry and short stories, and then I started to draw a little. Gradually, the art took over and has been a significant part of my life for quite awhile. However, I recently (about four years ago) began to learn metal working, and found another way of expressing myself that is ever so fun!

Art to me IS fun. It IS the way I can fully express myself. It truly gives me a sense of fulfillment when I feel I have created something that others may find pleasurable and enjoy seeing, or wearing.

Since I have just began to promote my work, all of this is new to me. As such, I'm hoping that at some point, it will all be well received. Only time will tell. Your support, and any comments you may be willing to share will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for "stopping in". Hope to "see" you again.


Please feel free to also check 444graphics out at - http://www.zazzle.com/444graphics*

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