Christina Klausen Photography LLC

After college, I worked in inner-city Milwaukee with a Family Literacy program going on home visits and teaching parent education classes. I loved it! It was hard work, but very fulfilling. I later went on for my Master’s degree in Educational Psychology and worked as a supervisor for a home visitation program. After having my first child, I chose to be at home to raise her, and that’s when my love of taking photographs was translated into a business venture.

I have always loved to take pictures. I think it is in my genes. My dad’s side of the family seems to always have a DSLR at the ready at family gatherings, sporting events, and at Christmastime. Don’t leave home without the camera. It was destined that some of that camera crazy would rub off on me too.

I believe that a great picture has emotional power, and I have become passionate about capturing images that evoke something internally within in myself and others. It is my desire that my Fine Art Photography evoke emotions within you as well.

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