Jackson's EyeTV

Welcome to my son Jackson’s art shop. Jackson’s stated goal is to “be a big artist” so this website is dedicated to helping him accomplish that goal. We, his family, hope you will find lots of inspiration in the art. Monies raised from Jackson's art sales will be placed in a special needs account that funds his therapies, buys him art supplies, provides him with job training and helps him navigate his future adult life with a disability.

Diagnosed with autism at age 4, Jackson began drawing obsessively at 18 months old. He composed his first song at age 3 and was consumed with interests that seemed otherworldly for a small child: languages, mythology, art, music, and the natural world. Once he could communicate verbally at age 5, he was able to tell us how he was experiencing what most of us call reality: a wonderful place of beauty that he named Jackson’s EyeTV, that he alone could see inside his mind.

Pulling from this seemingly inexhaustible source of creativity, Jackson makes art, writes poems and books, composes music, draws anime cartoons, constructs other universes with intact cultures and invents languages drawn from the study of hundreds of real languages that he teaches himself online.

Jackson thinks it is important that people know about his brain and about his autism. He says, “The autistic brain is very strong. It has many different tastes and appetites (interests).”

Once I asked Jackson if he knew what uplifting meant, and he said:

“Yeah, to raise your soul up!”

We, his family and Jackson, hope you find Jackson’s EyeTV art uplifting and that it opens your mind and raises your soul up!

To learn more about Jackson and his art, "Art through the lens of autism," please visit his website www.JacksonsEyeTV.com

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