
I am a multidisciplinary artist from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. My practice includes painting, drawing, digital art, sculpture, printmaking and audio production.

Drawing inspiration from the underground electronic music scene, psychedelic trance festivals, computer glitches and cyberpunk literature, I aim to create imagery that recreates a 4-dimensional head space. Whether creating psychonautic snapshots or spacey glitched-out soundscapes, there is always an underlying aesthetic of unease and brokenness within my work.

In my efforts to bring glitch art out of the digital world and into the analogue world of painting, I have discovered that no matter how we strive for perfection in representational imagery, there will always be some form of glitch, or error. As in the Wabi Sabi tea ceremony of Zen Buddhism, I strive for perfection but when I encounter an error or glitch, I focus in on it, enhance and repeat it. As it is truly impossible to create a glitch where there is intent, I resign myself to simply setting up the conditions wherein random "accidents" are most likely. My intent is then imposed upon the work in my editing process.

Currently I am searching for a sensible way to unite my sound and visual projects. This may take the form of video, performance or collaboration. Ultimately I may need to utilize all three options for greatest effect.

Please visit for more of my work.

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